Life After the Military | Episode 094 | Re-Evaluating Relationships
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After the Military | Episode 094 | Re-Evaluating Relationships

You are not the same person you were before entering military service. Your experiences there have granted you a unique perspective on life. However, your family and friends may still perceive you as the person you were before. This is why it is important to reevaluate your relationships with them.

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Life After the Military | Episode 093 | Authority Figures
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After the Military | Episode 093 | Authority Figures

In the military, we become accustomed to following whoever is in charge and accepting whatever they tell us. However, it's crucial to recognize that this dynamic doesn't necessarily apply outside the military in the civilian world. Here, you have the freedom to choose whom to follow and whom not to.

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Life After the Military | Episode 091 | Chasing Demons
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After the Military | Episode 091 | Chasing Demons

Many veterans, particularly those deployed, face post-service war-related challenges. While some swiftly overcome them and move forward, others grapple with persistent issues, impacting their civilian lives adversely. As a therapist, my duty is to assist fellow veterans in confronting their demons, and I hope this video aids you as well.

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Life After the Military | Episode 089 | Our Spouses
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After the Military | Episode 089 | Our Spouses

Let's be honest, veterans do a lot of crap. And who's the one dealing with it the most? In this episode, I wanted to give recognition to one of the most important, hardworking, patient, and understanding people in our lives — our spouses.

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Life After the Military | Episode 088 | Storytelling
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After the Military | Episode 088 | Storytelling

How much of your story should you share? With family, friends, or coworkers, the choice is yours. Ultimately, you own your story. You decide how much or how little you want to reveal based on the level of trust and connection you've established. Not everyone is entitled to your entire story; it's something to be earned.

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Life After The Military | Episode 087 | Moving Lines
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After The Military | Episode 087 | Moving Lines

Civilian life is a whole lot different compared to the military. In the service, we always knew where the line was, but out here, that line moves. It shifts depending on who you are. Trying to get used to this has been a real challenge for us vets trying to reintegrate to the civilian world.

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Life After the Military | Episode 086 | Veterans' Own Biases
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After the Military | Episode 086 | Veterans' Own Biases

As veterans, we've become accustomed to military life, and it's led to the development of our own biases. These biases become evident when we interact with civilians, as civilians have a completely different perspective. Do you have your own biases too?

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Life After The Military | Episode 081 | Leadership
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After The Military | Episode 081 | Leadership

In this episode, we'll explore the unique leadership skills that military veterans bring to the table, dispelling common misconceptions and highlighting the importance of embracing these skills in various aspects of life.

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Life After The Military | Episode 078 | Getting Help
Bo Dunning Bo Dunning

Life After The Military | Episode 078 | Getting Help

One of the biggest problems mental health therapists deal with is people who refuse to seek mental health help. We don't have problems getting help for cancer, broken bones, damaged limbs, or anything like that. Why are we struggling to seek mental health help?

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