How My Journey Began

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Fred “Bo” Dunning is a retired Air Force NCO and Desert Storm Combat veteran. He has a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and a former Psychology Professor in the California State College System. Currently, he is in private practice in the High Desert of California. He also has more than 40 years working with Active Duty Military, veterans, and their families.


Since you already have invested in your country, it is time to do a little investing in yourself. When I got out and started working for someone else, I kept asking myself, what do I want to be when I grow up? and I answered myself, I wanted to do my own thing and control my own life. I knew that as long as I was working for someone else, I was making them rich while I just got by. So many veterans struggle when they get out the military, meandering throughout life working for someone else and wondering if there is more. I’m here to tell you there is more to life than just working a normal nine to five job making someone else money.

I would encourage everyone to do what they want to do and have the best life they can, and sometimes that involves taking some risks. Those risks can be calculated and sometimes done while you are still working a nine to five job. You can be successful if you choose to start your own business, and we can help.

Most Veterans do not realize how many useful skills they learned in the military. Many say I was just an X I and don’t have skills. I disagree… Everyone who ever served in the military knows what it is like to get up in the morning to complete a task.

All veterans know what it is like to strive for excellence and be committed to a task. Being on time and respectful is paramount to success as a business owner. Loyalty and honesty to your clients is also a huge part of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Most veterans know what it’s like to be responsible for people and millions of dollars’ worth of equipment. Veterans know how to sacrifice and do what it takes to get the job done, another key element to success. But the most important thing that the military has taught us is dedication and leadership.

Most veterans have the tools and skills to become a successful business owner, they just lack the confidence to take the risk.


We realize how hard it is to make the decision to become an entrepreneur, especially if you have never had an entrepreneur in your family or a friend. We understand how scary it can be to take that leap and put trust in yourself. Owning your own business can be rewarding and give you the life you want. Many folks with PTSD have started their own business because they can create the environment, they need to feel safe, but PTSD is not a requirement. It is true that starting a business can be a risky endeavor if you are not careful, but there are ways to eliminate some of the risk when done correctly. Starting your own business is one of the best risks you can take. It can create a healthy environment for you and your family when done properly. You can set your life up the way you want by setting your own schedule and making changes in your life as you see fit. You would not have to work for someone who does not respect you or use your skills. You would have the freedom to work at your own pace and control the outcome of projects.

One of the most appealing things to me was I would not have to work for someone who is dumber than me because their family member or best friend is the owner. You have already proven by your time in the military that you have what it takes to get the job done and the wherewithal to be successful. Your military service translates very effectively into being an entrepreneur.

If you decide to start your own business and question if we are right for you, here is a little bit of our experiences to assure you that we can meet your needs to help you get your business off the ground.

First off let us get a little bit into the weeds about our background. We both are military veterans, I am a retired combat Air Force veteran, Kathleen was in the US Army (but I do not hold that against her). We both had businesses and presently run our own business together. We have developed an inexpensive coaching program specifically for veterans that will help you move forward with your business ideas. We will help you with the organization of your business. Help you with the step-by-step guidance in setting up your business.

But most of all we will help you maintain your desire to continue when bureaucratic walls are placed in your way. We have the skills to help you emotionally through the ups and downs of starting a business. We will be real and some of my client’s feel I am like that crusty ass old NCO that told them how it was in order to help them move forward. Both I and Dr. Kat are real and are authentic in the way we operate. We will not blow smoke up your ass to make you feel better. We will tell you how we see it in a kind but stern way… me more so than Kat, she is not that crusty ass old NCO.

We have the skills to help you succeed using our experience and success giving you a short cut to becoming successful by using the skills you already possess by just having served in the military.     

We believe you will enjoy working with us. We thrive off the success of our coaching clients. Helping our clients has become our purpose and the reason we get up in the morning. We are going to help you successfully transition into the business you want, giving you that purpose to wake up every morning and be excited about going to work. We realize that entrepreneurship is not for everyone, and that is OK.


Get in touch.

Our membership site allows you the freedom to leave without extensive costs like most coaching programs. So, if you are interested in what we have to offer please contact us and we will reach out to you.


Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.