Veterans are Losing Their Purpose

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With the COVID-19 pandemic raging on veterans and civilians are suffering. So many veterans volunteer and that has been taken away from them due to the pandemic causing them to lose their purpose. When you are in the military or working you have a purpose, taking care of your family or the mission. I see so many veterans who are struggling because they cannot do what they need to do to maintain their self-worth and mental health. Their volunteer opportunities have been taken away buy this pandemic and they are stuck at home depressed trying to muddle through life. Two the biggest volunteering opportunities has been taken away. Working with the local VSO's and local nonprofits give them a purpose but that too has been taken away. The Elks, Moose, VFW’s, and American Legion lodges have closed their doors until this pandemic is gone and we wonder if all of them will survive.

The VSO's like the American Legion, VFW and DAV are really suffering. They are no longer able to have their physical meetings or lodges open. Some have gone down the virtual path but so many people struggle with technology, I cannot see it as a long-term option. Their events are being shuttered and their fundraisers being canceled causing a loss in the community. So many veterans use the VSO's as a place to go hang out and be with fellow veterans. Well that now has stopped for the most part. There are a few who have gone underground and gotten together anyway. It could be a necessary evil because what veterans emotionally need more than anything is camaraderie and a purpose. The pandemic has caused us to lose both right now and some are struggling.

The pandemic has caused multiple issues. So many veterans struggle with technology which appears to be about the only safe way to have a relationship outside of your home during the pandemic. Most veteran’s administration VA appointments are being done online. All my veteran clients are being in seen online. This may be convenient for some but is a struggle for some older veterans and those without means to purchase the necessary equipment. Technology can be expensive and overwhelming, and some veterans cannot afford it. Not understanding technology is a huge roadblock to building community for our older veterans. Many veterans have not been able to adjust to the use of technology. It appears the technology being forced on them whether they like it or not. This may force older veterans to learn technology helping them grow and help them find another way to stay in touch and have a purpose.

Volunteering helps folks work through their depression, gives them something to do with their time, and helps them feel useful. Many of the veterans I know who volunteer do it for non-profits or VSO’s. That opportunity is been lost with the pandemic. Non-profits struggle because they want the help but do not want to put someone in danger. It is a difficult situation for both the non-profit and the veteran. It is easy to slip into feeling depressed if you cannot get out of the house. Losing your purpose creates the depression. With most of the lodges and VSO’s closing veterans are limited in their socializing which is a huge part of beating depression. I encourage everyone to keep and eye on their friends, family, and neighbors during this time. Veterans have a history of service to the country and they are losing their purpose because of the pandemic. Please look out for them and help keep them safe.

For questions or comments, I can be reached at or visit our website at

Bo Dunning

Fred “Bo” Dunning is a retired US Air Force NCO and Desert Storm combat veteran.
He has a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and an Adjunct Psychology Professor in the California State College System.
Bo has more than 40 years working with Active Duty Millitary, veterans and their families.

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