Nature Can Help With PTSD


Kevin came to me one day and asked, what I can do to help me deal with my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The answer I gave him might come as a surprise to some, but not those who work with PTSD clients. I like to tell people outside sports is a great outlet for a lot of folks with PTSD. Outside activity is good for the psyche, especially hiking, camping, or fishing. The idea is to be in the moment and not be in your head where the flashbacks live. When you are outside you focus on the here and now, not the past. I believe sports like basketball, football, soccer, or baseball are not as good because the competition can be a trigger and frustrating. Also, there tend to be a crowd at these events where nature activities can be done with limited crowds.

Hiking can be a great way to deal with PTSD. Going for a walk in the woods can be very therapeutic for most people. Hiking can be done alone, with family, or with a group of trusted friends. Any way you look at it, hiking can keep you in the here and now which is helpful when combating PTSD. Understanding that you are in a safe place can be comforting and helpful. Being in the woods can be relaxing and give someone with PTSD the quiet time they need to slow their brains down and combat their hypervilligance. Like hiking camping can be good too.

Camping is good for PTSD because you can get away from the crowds and have some quality time with your family, friends, or alone. Camping gets you into a comfort zone and connect you with nature, helping you feel safe and secure. Camping is peaceful and quiet especially if you combine hiking into a remote area to camp. When I lived in Alaska there were thousands of veterans who lived in the “bush” for the peace and quiet, they hiked into the wilderness, built a cabin back in the woods where they could be left alone. I am not advocating someone go into the wilderness and be alone, I am advocating that it is healthy from time to time to get out of your head and reconnect with the solitude of nature, especially if it involves fishing.

Fishing is one of the best things for PTSD, especially fly fishing. The quiet and serenity of fly-fishing is one of the most therapeutic things someone with PTSD can do. The cadence and the rhythm of casting the fly, reading the streams, matching the hatch, all place the individual in a trance like state if done correctly. Fly-fishing is proven throughout the years to be successful in helping veterans work through their PTSD. There are several groups dedicated to teaching veterans how to fly fish. During the time they are fly-fishing veterans are in the moment, not worried about the problems or troubles, they are focused on what they’re doing.

If fly-fishing isn’t your thing, bass and trout fishing may be the answer. I’m not talking about throwing the worm out and just sitting on the bank, and drinking beer. I am talking about what a friend calls “fish hunting”. Fish hunting is the art of trying to find the pattern fish are on for that day. Fish move around a lake or river based on temperature, sunlight, weather fronts, water flow and oxygen levels. Finding where the fish are located is a challenge, making them bite is another one. During certain times of the year and certain times of the day fish move around the lake or river and develop a pattern. Trying to figure out that pattern puts someone with PTSD in a focused state and not thinking about their triggers. Reading the bank contour and structure of the lake keeps someone with PTSD in the moment. Fishing is how I get my sanity, and I know it works for other people too, especially those with PTSD. Like so many other people I use fishing as an escape to get away from all the hassles of normal day-to-day life.

I know they’ll be people out there especially spouses who think I am crazy for saying hiking, camping, and fishing can help with PTSD, but it has been proven time and time again. Being in the moment and not worried about all the outside influences that trigger a person with PTSD is good. I told Kevin that he needed to investigate getting out of the house and getting into nature to help him deal with his PTSD. I encourage anyone who has PTSD, or any anxiety disorder to take the time and go into nature and relax. Being in the moment and not worried about the triggers of everyday life is very therapeutic.

For questions or comments, I can be reached at or visit our website at

For more information about learning how to fly fish contact

Project Healing Waters


Bo Dunning

Fred “Bo” Dunning is a retired US Air Force NCO and Desert Storm combat veteran.
He has a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and an Adjunct Psychology Professor in the California State College System.
Bo has more than 40 years working with Active Duty Millitary, veterans and their families.

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