Its Better Not Knowing

I was on Facebook the other day and came to a realization. What's going on with Facebook is something that I have known for a long time but finally decided to comment on. Facebook and social media are a massive issue in our society. Facebook has set its algorithm to express discord in society. Politics discussed on Facebook has even caused problems in my family. It used to be that my military friends did not really discuss politics. Some of the people I admire and care about the most post some of the most political and questionable clips and comments on Facebook. Where I still respect them and care about them, I question where they are emotional with some of their posts. Sometimes I just sit back and shake my head at some of the things that they believe. Sometimes those posts make me question their intellect. I know these people are more intelligent than what they're putting on their Facebook page. I just know it. I have spent time with them.

I just believe it was better not knowing where they stand on issues. We have fought, deployed, and been there for each other; we know each other's families and spend hours together. We have celebrated birthdays, hunted, and fished together. We know a lot about each other. I was always conscious of their political beliefs. Still, I never saw it expounded upon to where it has become visceral. I still love them. It makes me not want to engage with them because I know politics will come up. Even though I care about them, I question some of their thoughts and motives. I have always respected them. I will continue to care about them. I just think sometimes it is better not knowing for sure. Facebook has opened a way for people to put their feelings and beliefs out there. I wonder how many friendships have been lost because of a post on Facebook. To me, all politicians are liars and crooks. It's all about the politicians and maintaining power. They really don't care about us as citizens. We need to quit discussing politics on social media.  I am just concerned about where our society is headed because of social media. Politics is only one part of it. I really believe we're better off not knowing where our friends and family stand for sure. I think it would help our society.

For questions or comments, you can contact me at or visit my website at, and subscribe to my YouTube channel After Duty Vets or like us on Facebook at After Duty Vets.    

Bo Dunning

Fred “Bo” Dunning is a retired US Air Force NCO and Desert Storm combat veteran.
He has a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and an Adjunct Psychology Professor in the California State College System.
Bo has more than 40 years working with Active Duty Millitary, veterans and their families.

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