You deserve to relax like everyone else.


Why After Duty Vets . com?

I help military veterans incorporate their military experiences into a successful civilian life once their “hitch” is done. I understand the challenges you face getting out of the military and the uphill battles many veterans face once out.

As a 20-year Air Force Combat Veteran one of the hardest things I have faced in my life was becoming a civilian again. Struggling to find your new place and purpose in the world is tough. It is irrelevant how many years you served. Just going through boot camp changes you and the way you look at life. You may be thinking, I have been out a long time. But the question is, are you leading the purposeful life you want? Understanding what your uniqueness offers can point you in the right direction to happiness. By guiding hundreds of veterans from Vietnam to present, combat or not, gives me the experience to help you have the purposeful life you deserve.

Navigating the civilian culture can be a psychological challenge. The civilian culture is individualistic where military culture is collective. There are ways to adapt the military culture to be successful as a civilian if you understand what to do.

Do you find yourself thinking…?

Why can’t people be on time?

Why do people get “butt hurt” over my sense of humor?

Why can’t people do what they say they are going to do?

Why can’t I trust civilians?

Why do people question my integrity?

Why do people question my loyalty?

Why can’t people do their job?

Why do they make a big deal about stupid $h!+?

How did they get this job?

Why is my wife frustrated?

Why do I feel the need to move every couple of years?

Why do I miss the TDY’s and deployments?

Why can’t I get a good job?

Why do I want to be with my military buddies?

I have been where you are and asked myself many of these questions. Because of my work on myself I have been successful at starting my own business, finding jobs, going to college, navigating the Veterans Administration (VA), and finding my place. I can help you become successful too as you grow into the life you have earned and deserve. The focus is on you. Your unique perspectives and skillsets will lead you to the purposeful life you have been searching for.

~ Fred “Bo” Dunning, M.A., LMFT

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